10 Days In
Some day I will finish uploading my Paris posts, alas that day is not today.
Today marked the 10th day (excluding weekends) of the semester. It's already ridiculous. I am taking:
ART223: Printmaking - LOVE THIS CLASS. Seriously, we are two projects in and I am having way too much fun. This is not always the case as I easily loose interest in forced-art, but not this time! I was skeptical about the professor at first, but he's turning out to be great. Really laid back, but super helpful... major plus!
HON250: Economics and Psychology: Decision Making (Formerly known as the Social Scientist) - Really, don't even get me started on this class. I got an email on September 12th (I would like to remind everyone that classes started September 9th) saying that they had completely changed the course. The professors found out not even a week before class started and everything was a big cluster fuck (s'cuse the lang). There was a momentary freak out where I thought that I was screwed over. I only registered for Social Scientist to meet my two Social Science requirements with one course... luckily this one still does that so I don't need to beat anyone up. As far as the class goes, it's ok content wise, but really boring. it's a 3 hour class and the professors just split it right down the middle - an hour and a half of psych and an hour and a half of econ. Yuck. It's supposed to be a fusion of the two disciplines, but so far it's not.
ENL410/490: English Literature Keystone - I'm optimistic about this one. We've got a great class dynamic! Everyone wants to be there, everyone participates in discussions, and we are a really varied group of people so it's pretty fun. The first day we walked down to Riverside Park and just talked with a classmate. Harkness did want us to "stare into each other's eyes for 10 seconds" but that creeped us out so we didn't. It's going to be themed around the V-word (vocation) of course because it's Augsburg, but the sort of sub-theme is Environmentalism which is fun. We're reading Deep Economy by Bill McKibben which I quite enjoy. I also got my book signed when her was here for the Christensen Symposium this past Monday! Bonus!
HON499: Honors Review Independent Study - For those of you who don't know, the Honors Review is the academic journal for the college. We publish stuffy academic papers in a book that no one reads... but that is all about to change! The goal this year is to take the journal national, loosen it up, make it professional, make it fun, and publish it 90% online. I'm going to be serving as the Editor in Chief to hopefully gain myself some sweet publishing experience. Again, optimism abounds.
On top of classes, I'm hoping to complete a Departmental Honors Project on the myths in American Literature. It's a spin off of my paper which totally debunked Huck Finn, so I'm pumped about it. Just gotta find time to finish my proposal... hmm. I'm also continuing Leopold work from this summer's URGO project, and I got another grant! Yay! Payment is always nice.
I'm working my usual job at Campus Activities and Orientation as Executive Assistant for 20 hours a week, and just got a second job at Jake's City Grille in Eagan to make some extra cash. It's keeping me nice and busy, a little too busy. The constant driving from Northeast Minneapolis to Eagan is beginning to get a little irksome. We shall see how that goes... I'm noticing it's making me more crabby than normal.
So yes, that is what the beginning of my semester has been like. It's all a rush but I'm loving being back in the swing of things. I also just found out I'm nominated for Homecoming Queen! Kinda funny, but way cool. Thanks friends!
Later days, and happy fall!
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