A Repertory of Piercing Eloquence

You have one week left people! ONE WEEK to go see my favorite of Shakespearean comedies. What is it? you ask. Twelfth Night! I answer. Currently Britain's Propeller theater company's rendition of it it is playing in repertory with Taming of the Shrew at the Guthrie.

Now, if you are like me (a theater appreciator (pronounced app-ree-sha-TOR) and not an aficionado) then you may also be confused by the phrase "in repertory". Luckily, with the advent of the Internet, free dictionaries abound. Thus, I present you with this vocab learning moment:
rep·er·to·ry (rpr-tôr, -tr)

1. A repertoire.

2. A theater in which a resident company presents works from a specified repertoire, usually in alternation.
Makes sense, doesn't it? Both plays are simply fantastic, and I would give oodles of kudos to Propeller for a job well done. One of the highlights is most certainly the all-male cast which keeps in very good tradition (and very good fun) with traditional Shakespeare. The amount of energy these men bring to the stage is astounding - it's exhausting just watching them. I could sit here and tell you just how good the shows were, or I could provide you with these pre-fabricated videos that will do a better job than I:

I was particularly excited about the pairing of these two plays, and they really are best when seen together if you can swing it. You will get a good taste of how well Shakespeare flirts with the line between comedy and tragedy -one of the finer skills in his writing if you ask me. They truly are the most human of stories. Even if the plots are slightly outlandish, the emotion is the same. It's beautiful.

If you can only find the time for one show, I would vote for Twelfth Night for the selfish reason of "it is my favorite". I think the story is more interesting and entertaining, not to mention one of his more under-rated works. I literally have been waiting for the Guthrie to perform it since I started attending shows in 2006. I was ecstatic to see it on the playbill this year, so please, go find out why.

Later days, be not afraid of greatness... 


D. E. Green said...

Reviewed your whole set of blogs. Great gig! And I'm glad you came round on "Time Stands Still"!

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