Accounts Looming...
"Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort." - FDR
I really need to focus on the latter half of that quotation. I have been very frustrated since last Friday when I learned that my work hours were to be cut in half. (Not to mention, I also just lost my internship cash flow.) This is why: I JUST WANT TO BE FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT!!!!!!!
I was close too. I was so goddamn close. But no. Instead of paying off my credit card, the balance has increased and will continue to. I need to become a Scrooge... a frugal, frugal Scrooge.
It frustrates me even more to think about it, so it's probably best that I don't... I'm tired of hearing about the economic crisis and about how no one has money and it will only get worse. I need to heed the words of FDR and achieve and create. Those things, at least on the most basic of levels, are free.
Later days, greenback freedom.
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