Why I Hate Rides

A long rant on all things irritating...
Being that I spoke French with Miles this evening for a good solid hour, I am again bypassing the French journal entry... and in all honesty, I'm too tired for that shit right now. It was a very long week, and I'm down about a lot of things. In short, I may very well kill my roommate, hate my job, and be single for a long while... but for some odd reason... I am okay with every last one of those things. Why? Mostly because I am insane, but also because I've learned so much about myself this week I can't even begin to put it all down into words. What I do need to do right now is list out all of my frustrations from the week... It needs to be said, every last bit of it, to an unbiased audience (aka no one as I am sure no one reads this anymore)... I must also say that some of this applies to me, and some of it applies to others... so, here goes:

Things that make me livid-pissed:
*Kitchens that cause Botchulism
*Spending hours cleaning said kitchens only to have them dirtied in a ridiculously short amount of time
*Roommates who play God, Mother and Irritant all day every day
*Roommates that wake you up unnecessarily
*People who don't talk directly to the person they have the problem with
*Dishonesty to others and one's self
*People who are too easily scared of life's happenings
*Cryptic e-mails that make no sense
*Professors who refuse to admit their mistakes
*Trying to cram too much into one class period
*Paying for a class that is only formally held once every now and then
*People who shut down someone's ideas simply because they have tunnel vision on their idea
*Not spending an appropriate amount of time discussing class material
*People who cannot seem to get control over their lives
*Professors who mistakenly tell you that you need a certain class in order to graduate
*W's on my transcript
*Not knowing if an invitation from someone can be taken seriously, or if it is just an act of courtesy
*People who won't let things go
*People who don't accept others for who they are
*People who can't be happy for their friends when something good happens to them
*Roommates who constantly need to out-do you
*Days with nothing to do
*Projects on Christian Zionism
*Friends who won't talk things out with you, and instead hide in silence

Okay, that's done. Now I feel like the correct therapeutic task to be taken would be to list all of the things that hve kept me sane this week:

Taylor's list of life savers:
*Cassie Sanders
*Alyse Fields
*5th row VIP
*The Lion King on Broadway
*Gallivanting downtown with people who love life
*Jake, Steve, Jody, Kami and John
*Lunch with old lovers
*Trips to Target
*Will O'Berry
*People who put up with my rants
*ENL240 and Professor Irvine
*My family
*Hockey games
*My overly-attractive banker
*Movie nights with my dad and brother
*The French language
*Speaking French with Miles at the dinner table
*The prospect of studying abroad
*The prospect of my own room
*My dad's sense of humor
*My brother's debate-ness
*Iron & Wine

Alright... I feel I've taken up enough of cyberspace. I still don't really feel any better, but I will come Monday I'm sure. I'm at a good place in life I think. I have a lot ahead of me. Just have to pull myself out of this slump and I know I will because I get to live my life for me. We'll see how that goes... but at least now I know what I want.

Later days, less rollercoasting.


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