Potential Faux-Fame?!
So I'm absolutely psyched. I handed in a short story for my Intro to Lit class last week (if you'd like a read it can be found here: http://vinylspin.deviantart.com/art/METRO-TRANSITion-66457964) and I got it back yesterday. Here is what the professor commented:
Ok--you have a framework onto which you can load a theme and a metaphor that might lead to a more subtle theme/point--As I see it, the subways working its way through the necessary physical, visceral digestive track toward... something gross? Something real? -- Let's chat. This could be one for the ages--or, at least, the City Pages. No grade until we meet.
So at first I was a bit miffed at the fact that I didn't get a grade, but I met with him and am now over-joyed. He thinks it could be published! AHHH! That is one of my top goals in life! How amazing would that be! Haha I'm freaking out a little... I just have to tweak some things in my story so that it eventually gets to that level. AHHH! Okay, just had to get that out.
Later days, PUBLISHED author?
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