Newness is Goodness

I do believe its about time for my bi-monthly update.

I feel good. Really good. I haven't felt this content, excited or just in love with life in a very long time. There are plenty of things giving me newfound hope - school, ASAC, homecoming, my living conditions and now theres Alex too. I can't quite explain whats going on in that department. I'm still having troubles deciphering the signals, but what I do know is that things feel really right. More so than they have in a long time... and I could go on about all the great qualities he has, but I think I'll just leave it at simplicity: I like him. A lot.

I suppose the mere fact that I'm writing about him by name here must be of some significance, being that I usually don't do that. i guess its just refreshing to either be proud of who I'm dating, or to know that he fits me well. I know it's still early in the relationship, but I'm enamored. Perhaps also pathetic but I cant get him off my mind and it's both exhilarating and irritating at the same moment. Part of me just wants to grab him by the back of his neck and pull his forehead against mind and tell him that he is my absolute favorite person in the world and that I very well may be becoming addicted to him, but the other part of me, the surprisingly stronger part of me, is telling me to play it cool. Only one problem: I cannot fucking concentrate on the rest of life. BAH.

later days, sappier love songs.


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