Team Hoop There It Is!!!
Owwww! So my mom and I joined LifeTime Fitness cuz her old buddy from high school is the GM... kinda cool that my family finally has some connections that pay off... haha just kidding. Went today after school.... 3rd time (got up at 5:45 AM yesterday and went! WOW!) I ran on the treadmill and then worked out arms, back and abs... tomorrow if I'm not at school, it's because I'm dead so come to my funeral and show your support!! Kidding! In all seriousness, I'll probably whine a lot so beware. It was fun when Copeland and Dirksen were there and made fun of me cuz I'm a weak-tit. I like it though - it makes me feel like less of a lazy bum, and besides - it's about damn time I got into shape. But whooooooie! Earl is tough on us! Ah well... Here's to my health! *cheers*
Also tonight, we have intramural basketball! I love it so much you can't even begin to fathom! Yeah.
Hoop There It Is! I'm not real sure how many big W's we've got cuz I haven't been to all the games but the real moral of the story is that we are the true POWER-HOUSE and UNDEFEATED - tonight is no exception so beware! DOMINATION. (if I can manage to lift my arms above my head to actually shoot the ball... hmm)
Later days, more protein!
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