The Evil Face of Disney
Alas - here I am, not at the Nine Inch Nails concert... just returned from a choral performance of an emmensely boring scale... and I am now reading "Breaking in to the Movies: Film and the Culture of Politics" by Henry A. Giroux. Super, non? Tis about a loony man who believes that Disney is sending our children subliminal sexist and racist messages... for example:
All animated Disney films have the same plot line: Sexy anorexic Barbie doll heroine is in trouble or faces some sort of dilemma - meets Joe Handsome - falls madly in love with him - he falls for her - she wins because she gets the guy. End of story. Also - In Aladdin, it is only the bad guys, such as Jafar, that have Arab accents - Aladdin sounds American. Coincidence!? I think NOT! Even in the Lion King we see that upon the death of Mufasa, the lionesses are pansies and just become Scar's bitches. They've got teeth - they could rebel, but no. Pussies are pussies. (No pun intended) In that same film, Scar is a darker color than the rest of the lions making him bad. (I smell racial profiling!) And the hyenas are voiced by the talents of Cheech and Whoopie and therefore clearly meant to represent less fortunate minorities. Haha this is nuts - ahhh the liberality (word?) of college. Haha damn! If I were in speech I'd have one hell of a topic with this one!
There is so much other important stuff that I should be doing right now - but I have decided to go for something that's not even on my "To-Do" list and paint! Wooo!
Later days, um... Down with Disney? - - - Nah.
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