Wow. Just... wow.
Bah! I'm still sickly, but on the bright side of that, no biblotheque pour moi aujourd'hui. I have a new favorite song too. You should check it: "Dutch Courage" - Spill Canvas. Mm... good stuff. Kudos to Ty on that one.
So today at lunch Queeny (AKA Carrie B.) had a grand reminiscence of a certain photo... back from the wonderous days of APUSH. That class turned my brain to mush. Literally... and I have the picture to prove it. It also happens to be the photo that will get Miss Boecher into any college she may choose... afterall! She loooooves volunteering with the mentally disabled! Don't ya Kay-wee!? Now just for fun's sake, I'll show you all this "special" item... Here's that wonderful piece of photographic documentation: (Don't ask me how I made that face, I don't actually know)
Ahh CB... how I love thee! You're definately my favorite teechow! YAY! I especially love that photo because you look uber gorgeous, and then there's... ME! Yahoo! Wow I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as I have at that. Have you? No.
Later days, more quality humor captured on film.
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