Booty Booty Booty Booty Rockin' Everywhere

Hokay so.

I feel accomplished yet again... I picked my college yet again... because I changed my mind yet again... I'm going to Augsburg. I promise I won't switch on you again... and I won't because I feel happy about it. I think I only originally chose the U because the campoos is effing gorgeous... but, when I sit at home and think about it, Augsburg is the logical choice, and I'm pumped. I won't lie. Silly as it is, I'm proud to be an Auggie. Plus... I plan on hanging out at the U so it's all good. Plus I get to play golf now and that's hella sweet.

I'm in an odd sort of mood at the current time. I'm feelin' a bit nostalgic... I miss Guatemala uber bad, and I miss certain friends uber bad. I miss musak parties, I miss the Lutheran Center, I miss Uncommon Grounds, I miss the micro-bus, I miss rollerblading, I miss big ol' Catholic cathedrals, and I miss when certain people would talk to me about what's going on.

I feel like I've been a horrible friend as of late... and to those of you whom I've let down, I apologize. I get so caught up in things I forget what's really important to me - and that's them guys. So for that, I'm sorry.

I can't wait to get off to college, and to start my own life... but the more I think about it, I'm just as excited to come home on breaks and see everyone. I know we're all going to have a blast. I want to come visit everyone at their schools, and I hope I can.

So I guess, I miss you. That's about it.

Later days, onward HO!


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