MLK Report

Once again, my apologies for the serious gap between entries. It's senior year, I am busy, you'll have to learn to deal with less Taylor in your life. Sorry.

There's really nothing splendidly new to update, life is fantastic. MLK break was quite "dreamy" haha no pun intended... I'm a loser. I did the whole Muse Coffee House thing on Friday night which was peeeeeeeerty sweet. Here is my official shout out to all those who played in a kickasstic fashion:

Petey Ruus and Andrew: Your skills are vast like the ocean. Your harmonica skills blew my mind... and I can't wait for Starbucks!!
Axiom: Good show as always boys - much better stage team-work and whatnot... rock on. METAL!

Saturday was Taylor chills day, and then I took my 8 year old cousin Maddison shopping for her birthday. It was probably much more fun than any of you can imagine. She rocks. Sunday was Taylor-Tyler eat cheesecake and watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which actually proved to be entertaining. Then Monday I did some painting and then Tyler came over and played video games with myself and my brother. Shortly thereafter, Gina B. and pretty little Alex came over for a visit and it was bomb to see them again. All is well.

I had my first class back at the U this evening, RELA1001 - Introduction to World Religions. Perty sweet... my prof is an insane man from Texas with a crazy accent. The first thing he did today was ask us if anyone Googled his name prior to class, and sure enough, some girl did... so we got to hear the story about how he was almost arrested in India because of this really controversial book he wrote. (If you want to give it a shot, his name is James Laine) The really cool part is that my homework for next week includes reading an entire book, a 28 page article, and writing a 2 page paper comparing the two. Whoopie! We also have to do a "field study" and visit a religious service of a different religion... I'm thinking Hinduism.

In other news... Senior meeting tomorrow. Wow! We coo!

Later days, OM.


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