Hurbris Hurts
Ah well mes amis... another Thursday come and gone, and another day towards graduation to cross of the calender. Ce soir, I am going to see Antigone avec mon classe de AP Lit. Before that Stephy and I will be going on a hot and sexy romantic candle-lit dinner date at the five star restaurant in town. (aka ordering chicken fingers at Old Chicago) I'm excited... then we will be rocking it down to good ol' Minnie-an-apolis with Petey Ruus and Zaidman... meeting good ol' Strandy in the lobby and enjoying 1 hour and 15 minutes of high quality theater. Super, non?
Also, Tyler left for Chicago this afternoon, and despite being insanely jealous of his travels, I'm sort of nervous for him. He's having a crap load of eye tests done to see if he will be able to be an air traffic controller, and I really hope he passes. It's what he wants to do most with his life so it will be sad and depressing if that is an impossibility for him. Pray my friends, pray.
Also, also - I'm having my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow morning. EEEE Oral surgery!
Now that I am home from the play I wish I were still downtown. I fucking love the city. I only use such profanity because that was the only word strong enough to convey the emotion which I feel for the urban setting. I could have much to write, but I'm not really in that mood... If I lived downtown, I think this would be one of those nights where I found a good rooftop, some headphones and a bottle of wine. Refined. Purely refined.
Later days, watch out for falling pride (or to be more literately correct - hubris!)
PS - I was a bit hurt this afternoon... so my advice to all is this: Keep your word people, because everyone knows how it feels to be stood-up. Ain't no fun for nobody.
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